Response paper on “Gaydar”: The Perception of Sexual Orientation From Subtle Cues

Response paper on “Gaydar”: The Perception of Sexual Orientation From Subtle Cues


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
3 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

Response Papers: Papers are not simply the notes you took while doing the reading. Nor
are they simply restatements of points made in the reading.
o Responses and reactions reflect your thoughts after doing the reading. For instance:
· Do you agree with the reading? Why or why not?
· How does the reading expand or contradict what you read in the main text or
was discussed in class (or you know from other classes)?
o I’m not looking for “essays”.
· In fact, many students have done very successful papers in the past using
bullet points or short paragraphs explaining their reactions to particular parts
of a reading.
o It is often helpful to breakdown the articles rather than evaluate them globally. You
may find you agree with some parts and disagree with others.
o Be careful pulling quotes and bits from original sources if you truly don’t understand
· I’d rather see a few points well understood than a lot of misunderstood points.
· Think how you’d react in class discussion if the I called you on a point you
put in your paper to “beef it up”