Research Paper Guidelines

Research Paper Guidelines_x000D_
Topic and Cases:_x000D_
This is a legal issues in sport management class. I have left it up to you to choose a topic of interest. You need to make sure you have chosen a topic that is neither too broad (e.g., Drugs and Sports) nor too narrow (e.g., a topic with no case law). You need to have researched your topic before you decide upon it. It will be difficult for you to write a paper on a sport law topic for which you cannot find any cases. You can find case law pertaining to a topic from a variety of sources:_x000D_
Your textbook cites numerous cases. These case citations are included in the book and can be used to pull the cases themselves off of LexisNexis. You will not, however, be able to pick a topic your book covers and only use those cases cited in the chapter. This paper requires that you do some actual research._x000D_
You can search on the LexisNexis database by subject using keywords. It takes a bit of practice, but it can be done._x000D_
You may use the Troy Libraries homepage to search in a variety of databases for law journal articles on a particular topic, such as drug testing. Then, while reading those articles for your topic, you will read about cited cases in those articles. You will need to use journal articles in your paper._x000D_
You are expected to produce your papers with Microsoft Word, using 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spacing, except on your References page._x000D_
You are expected to use APA 6th edition formatting throughout your paper. If you are not familiar with this formatting, you need to either purchase an APA manual (Amazon is a good, cheap place), check out a manual from a library, or use a variety of online resources dedicated to APA formatting:_x000D_
The formatting must be throughout the paper, including References. You will lose points for failing to use proper APA formatting._x000D_
Your paper needs to be a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 pages. The Title Page and References do not count in this number. Make sure you are not filling your paper with “fluff” just to get the pages required._x000D_
The basic outline of your paper should be as follows:_x000D_
1. Title Page_x000D_
a. Tell me your title, class, and date._x000D_
2. Introduction_x000D_
a. Introduce the subject of your paper. It may help to mention recent developments in the issue/subject._x000D_
b. The Introduction should feed into your next section._x000D_
3. Statement of Problem/Issue_x000D_
a. Tell me why this is an important issue._x000D_
b. Have other studied this before? If so, why is it important to do further research? If not, how is the issue important?!_x000D_
4. Literature Review_x000D_
a. This will be the bulk of your paper._x000D_
b. You are reviewing and summarizing the literature/cases on your given topic._x000D_
c. Talk about other research in this area. What have other scholars found?_x000D_
5. Discussion_x000D_
a. This is where your opinion starts to come into play. Don’t just tell me that Title IX needs to be done away with, tell me why that is a reasoned stance and support it with research._x000D_
6. Conclusion_x000D_
a. The ending to your paper. Don’t overlook this. It needs to tie everything together._x000D_
7. References_x000D_
a. Need to be in APA format_x000D_
b. You must include at least 2 peer-reviewed sources (e.g., journal articles), a sufficient number of cases (at least 2) and at least 4 other sources (cases, other articles, books, etc.). DO NOT plan on writing most of your paper off of website information or Sports Illustrated articles._x000D_
d. As this is a sport law course, you need to have a substantial part of your reference list be cases you have researched and pulled off of Lexis-Nexis_x000D_
e. Your book cannot count toward your source total, but you can use it as a source._x000D_
f. Make sure to follow proper formatting!_x000D_
i. EXAMPLE:_x000D_
Baker, T. A., Connaughton, D. P., Zhang, J. J., & Spengler, J. O. (2007). Perceived risk of terrorism and related risk management practices of NCAA Division IA football stadium managers. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 13(2), 145-17_x000D_

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