Qualitative field research for Social Work and Human Services

Qualitative field research for Social Work and Human Services

Work type:   Other : Assignment

Format:         APA

Pages:            2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Subject or discipline:         Social Work and Human Services

Title:   Evaluation

Number of sources:           3

Assignment: Evaluation

Qualitative field research allows the researcher to collect descriptive data about experiences directly from individuals in face-to-face settings. When evaluating such complex issues as human attitudes, behaviors, and opinions, qualitative research can provide in-depth information and rich insights that numerical data simply cannot provide.

For this assignment please consider how you might apply qualitative field research methods to needs assessments in human and social services by answering these 3 questions.

3 Pages and 3 resources

(1).Explain how you would evaluate a program for your selected topic using qualitative field research methods. Topic is Child Welfare: Black Children in Foster Care

(2).Be specific and provide examples.

(3).Assume the proposed actions you suggested last week have taken place.

This is the proposed action that was taken from last week you can look at.

Most appropriate sampling method in this research is stratified sampling, while using this method I shall divide the population to subgroups of race, ethnicity, and economic activities to identify and classify those in need of foster services. I shall use different sampling techniques such as use of demographic data documented by different authorities in regards to population in an area, race and ethnicity as well as their social their economic status. So as to predict those families with children who are more susceptible or are in dare need of foster home services. According to (Child Welfare, 2017) child welfare organizations do have well maintained records of children in need of foster services and those already under foster services with their demographics and this does provide a good source of data / information needed for decision making. Use of interview at learning institution to African Americans children and their parents to evaluate if they need children foster services.


Babbie, E. (2016). The basics of social research (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage.

  • Chapter 10, “Qualitative Field Research” (pp. 295–330)