Provide a Testimony as an Expert Witness

IS415: Week 5 Assignment 1 Provide a Testimony as an Expert Witness
and Document a Clear Chain of Custody
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Learning Objectives and Outcomes



 You will learn what is needed to provide expert witness testimony.
 You will understand how to create a chain of custody form and fill in the entries.
Assignment Requirements
You are a computer forensics intern at AAA Computer Forensics, a small forensics investigations and
data recovery firm. One of the investigators needs to prepare for a court appearance where she will
provide an expert testimony. Your manager asks you to help her prepare. Using the forensic specialist
responsibilities, help the investigator prepare for court by acting as the cross examiner in the case. The
case involves the following scenario:
Mr. Jim Brown, the owner of Brown Wholesale, has suspected that his assistant, Jim Black, is stealing
sensitive company material and selling it to his competitors. Mr. Brown has Mr. Black’s laptop and a
thumb drive he found taped under his desk. He wants you to examine the computer and the thumb drive.



Write a report that should answer the following questions:
â–ª What case documentation do you need for testimony? Define at least three of them.
â–ª What professional information do you need when providing testimony? Define at least two of
â–ª What are the expert testimony guidelines?
â–ª Referring to the scenario above, you will need to create a chain of custody form and fill in the
entries from the time you take the laptop and thumb drive from Mr. Brown until the point you
return the original evidence to him.
Submission Requirements
 Format: Microsoft Word
 Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space
 Citation Style: Chicago Manual of Style
 Length: 3“5 pages
Self-Assessment Checklist
 I have identified at least three of the case documents needed for testimony.
 I have provided at least two of the professional information requirements needed for testimony.
 I have offered details on expert testimony guidelines.
 I have properly documented each step in the evidence intake, imaging, and return process.IS415: Week 5 Assignment 1 Provide a Testimony as an Expert Witness
and Document a Clear Chain of Custody
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 I have researched and identified the appropriate steps to complete a chain of custody form.
