Process of Professionalism

Process of Professionalism

Work type:          Other : Assignment

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Charts:       1

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Subject or discipline:   Health Care

Title: Writer’s choice

Number of sources:     1

Paper instructions:     

This assignment is about the Process of Professionalism. When you have completed the assignment, please submit through the assignment link. The information is straight forward. I am looking for correct grammar, spelling, answers to the questions, and a thorough examination of yourself on text. Please feel free to conduct external research, but if you do, please use citations for your references. We do not tolerate plagiarism.

Please watch each video below in sequential order and answer the questions below. In this assignment, you will use a Mind Map diagram. Please submit the map along with your assignment. Please use this assignment, not just for a grade, but as a personal process as to how you can be more professional in ANY environment. It should be stored in your “toolbox.”

Professionalism is taught. You were not born with professionalism. It takes skills and experience to develop your behaviors appropriately. The way you are professional in one environment may be different in another. It does not mean that you are not being authentic, it just means that you know when it requires a certain level of professionalism. This way of thinking will help you in so many facets. This is because, everyone is different!

Being A Professional: Dale Atkins at TEDxYouth@EHS – YouTube

In the video, Mr. Atkins talked about attitudes, behaviors, and actions. He also talked about knowing, doing, helping, and learning. Please describe how these characteristics influence your process of professionalism? In your opinion, do you believe that attitudes drive behaviors, and behaviors drive actions, and actions reinforce attitudes?

Master Barber, Darrin Lyons Stresses the Importance of Professionalism in Any Industry – YouTube

This interview is with a Master Barber, Mr. Lyons. It is unrelated to healthcare, but it still applies to professionalism. No matter what industry you decide to choose, there is a lesson with every experience. Mr. Lyons shared a story about his unpleasant experience in a barber shop. He stated that if you continue to stay with a certain business [or organization], then you should still hold the professional levels high. Do you agree with his statement? Why or why not?

Please share an unpleasant experience regarding professionalism. How did you handle it? Did you share your experience on social media? What other assumptions, unrelated to the incident, did you make about the business/organization?

Emotions in the Work Place – What is Professionalism – YouTube

What risks have you taken to gain experience? What were the consequences or benefits in doing so? Do you bring the emotional component to the workplace or do you “leave it at the door?” What impact does it have on others?

Why Does Professionalism Matter? (Part I) – YouTube

In healthcare, an interdisciplinary approach is most suitable. Please describe your professional values and what you bring to the tables (strengths). Concurrently, it is most important to recognize the types of people you surround yourself with. This shapes the way you behave. In your opinion, do you believe with that statement? Why or why not? What types of professionals are you learning from? How do they shape your learning styles?

Mind Map Diagram

After watching the videos, please describe why you do what you do in the healthcare industry or the industry of your choosing. Why is it so important? Below, please submit a Mind Map diagram to visualize your process of professionalism, from conception to implementation. It may be helpful to use some of the information provided in the videos. If you do not have a process that you use, please map out a potential process that you plan to use. Please be as description as you can in the map (insert boxes, arrows, clouds, etc.)