Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics, Ch. 12: Production and Growth_x000D_


  1.  Consider how to describe the four determinants of productivity.
  2. _x000D_

  3.  Consider how to explain how higher saving leads to a higher standard of living. What might deter a policymaker from trying to raise the rate of saving?
  4. _x000D_

  5.   Consider how the rate of population growth influences the level of GDP per person.
  6. _x000D_

Principles of Macroeconomics, Ch. 13: Saving, Investment, and the Financial System_x000D_


  1. Consider the role of the financial system. Be prepared to name and describe two markets that are part of the financial system in the U.S. economy.
  2. _x000D_

  3. Consider why it’s important for people who own stocks and bonds to diversify their holdings. What type of financial institution makes diversification easier?
  4. _x000D_

  5. Consider a change in the tax code that might increase private saving. If this policy were implemented, how would it affect the market for loanable funds?
  6. _x000D_

Principles of Macroeconomics, Ch. 14: The Basic Tools of Finance_x000D_


  1. Consider what benefit people get from the market for insurance. What two problems impede the insurance market from working perfectly?
  2. _x000D_

  3. Consider what factors a stock analyst should think about in determining the value of a share of stock.
  4. _x000D_

  5. Consider how to describe the efficient markets hypothesis with evidence.
  6. _x000D_

  7. Consider how to explain the view of those economists who are skeptical of the efficient markets hypothesis.
  8. _x000D_

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