primary schools teachers’ perceptions and attitudes

primary schools teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the inclusion of special needs within regular schools in Saudi Arabia._x000D_
Literature Review_x000D_
This section is a summary of what previous research has found regarding your topicwhat do we already know about this topic? You should refer to at least five peer-reviewed journal articles that report original research (i.e., articles that have “methods” and “results” sections) in this section. It is important that you understand precisely what these articles found, what they have to say about your topic. Provide details regarding each of the studies you review, including the (i) main findings, (ii) sample, (iii) and measures and/or procedures._x000D_
The best literature reviews are organized around a theory or “conceptual framework” that helps to understand your topic and how different concepts relate to one another (drawing a pictorial diagram is a very effective way to make this clear, e.g., A ? B). For example, you may begin with a paragraph that summarizes two articles that demonstrate outcomes of some variable, A;_x000D_
then include a paragraph that summarizes two articles that demonstrate predictors of some other variable, B; and then include a paragraph that summarizes an article that shows the relationship between the two variables, A and B. There is no concrete rule for organizing a literature review. Alternatively, you may find five articles that are all somewhat related to you own study and simply summarize each of them in a separate paragraph. See examples in the textbook articles and the journal articles you are reading for ideas on how to write a literature review._x000D_
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