Preventing Sexual Violence

Preventing Sexual Violence

Work type:   Discussion Essay

Format:         Other : Other (See instructions)

Pages:            1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:       Master’s

Subject or discipline:         Health Care

Title:   Discussion | Preventing Sexual Violence

Number of sources:           2

Paper instructions:


To prepare for this discussion, review the assigned reading for the week as well as:


Violence Against Women – It’s a Men’s Issue: Jackson Katz (00:19:07)(opens in new window)

From Systematic Review to Call for Action: In Search of Evidence-Based

Interventions to Decrease Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Hispanic

American Women (APU Library Login required) (opens in new window) (ADDITIONAL MATERIALS)

Current Reports on Perinatal Intimate Partner Violence (APU Library Login required) (opens in new window) (ADDITIONAL MATERIALS)

Gender-Based Disparities in the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Adult Health: Findings From a National Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (opens in new window)


Sexual violence is a serious public health problem that affects millions of women and men. In the United States, 1 in 5 women have experienced completed or attempted rape, and about 1 in 15 men have been forced to penetrate someone in their lifetime. Most victims first experience sexual violence before the age of 25. Statistics underestimate the problem because many victims do not tell police, family, or friends about the violence. Sexual violence impacts health in many ways and can lead to long-term physical and mental health problems. For example, victims may experience chronic pain, headaches, and sexually transmitted diseases. They are often fearful or anxious and may have problems trusting others. The resulting anger and stress can lead to eating disorders, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.


  1. How could the application of Christian values and behavioral standards help to reduce the incidence of sexual violence?
  2. How do sexuality inequalities impact the overall health and well-being of communities and victims of sexual violence?
  3. What are some social and cultural factors that have influenced the development of individual and society health?

Discussion Requirements

Initial Posts: 250-300 words

Reference at least 2 scholarly resources

APA formatted references in posts