Presidential Leadership

Presidential Leadership

Title       Presidential Leadership

Prefered Language style               English (U.S.)

Type of document           Essay

Number of pages/words              1 Page Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)

Subject area       Political Science

Academic Level High School

Style      APA

Number of sources/references 1

Order description:

The president serves many roles. Also, unlike members of Congress or the Supreme Court, the president is perceived, and in many ways functions, as a singular actor. As such, media coverage of public policy and political news often centers on them. In many ways, President Trump does not fit the traditional mold of presidents. His critics have attacked him as being unqualified and ill-suited for the demands of the office. Of course, he and his supporters think he does possess the requisite presidential qualities. For your assignment, you will be combing the media to find instances where President Trump has displayed qualities that you think would make a good fit for fulfilling one of the president’s various roles. Alternatively, you could point to examples where you think President Trump has shown himself to be lacking in some of these leadership roles.

Find a current story (within the last year) from an online media outlet that describes the actions or behaviors of Donald Trump that you think either demonstrates his strong presidential qualities or illustrates his failings as a president. Provide a hyperlink to the story you found, and write a brief summary of it.

Describe what you think the story tells voters about the presidential qualities of Donald Trump. Which presidential role (chief of state, chief executive, chief diplomat, commander in chief, and chief legislator) would be most closely affected by the story?

Evaluate how well you think Donald Trump will be able to fulfill each of the president’s roles. Which do you think he will excel at? Where do you think he will struggle? Support your position.