Position papers

Position papers

Political Science

Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
3 pages

Number of sources:
2 sources


Position papers: three times this semester, I’ll ask you to write a brief (3 page) critical comparison of two ideas or readings encountered in the course. The papers may address any readings from the date of the previous position paper (or the beginning of the semester in the case of the first position paper) to the due date of the paper. You will be expected to hand this assignment in on physical paper at the beginning of class! A successful position paper will explain contrasting arguments from the readings, examine the way the ideas compliment and oppose each other, judge which argument is more useful or correct in its analysis, and then offer a couple of questions you have about the readings. Like all essay assignments in this (and most every other) course, the papers must be double spaced, 12-point font, with standard margins and some form or another of citations. Each paper is worth 10% of your grade. You are allowed to revise one based on my comments for a new grade.