Population Health Healthy People 2020 Paper

Population Health Healthy People 2020 Paper


2 pages

Discipline:       – Nursing

Type of service:           Essay

Spacing:          Double spacing

Paper format:  APA

Number of sources:     3 sources

Paper details:


Criteria for Content

Select a topic of interest from Healthy People 2020. Provide an overview of the topic along with the Healthy People 2020 goal for the problem. Identify a program aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality for that problem on a city, county, or statewide level. In two page summary, address the following.

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Provide an overview of the problem
  3. Review of epidemiologic and demographic data on mortality/morbidity and risk
  4. Present the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2020
  5. Discuss identified program plan including activities and implementation strategies

My chosen topic is diabetes.