Pop Culture

Pop Culture

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Researched Argument: Cultural Criticism


Over the course of the semester, we have explored many topics and issues in our theme, popular culture. Your job is in this essay is to be a “cultural critic” who

analyzes some cultural phenomenon in our society and attempts to explain what it means. Any of the readings in our book would function as examples of cultural

criticism. Formulate a research question about some aspect of popular culture and consult research about your project to help you answer this question. Then, formulate

a thesis and write an argumentative essay in which you support your thesis using material from multiple sources.

An argumentative essay is a thesis-driven essay that attempts to persuade the reader of the writer’s point of view by using carefully presented and logically utilized

information. One cannot write an argumentative essay without an element of debate. Thus your thesis cannot be “to discuss the history of television.” There is nothing

to debate there. Nor is there anything to be persuaded of in the statement “reality TV is stupid”—this is an opinion. You may not merely “discuss the differences” of

your topic; you must actually argue a point. Picking a topic/issue in which you’re interested makes the process easier and more enjoyable for you (and usually results

in better research and writing).

Avoid essays where you try to prove something as “cool” or interesting. You are really arguing for what the pop culture artifact says about our society. Go beyond

simple pro/con type arguments, and try not to become a victim of tunnel vision (focusing so hard on what you’re going to argue that you don’t let the thesis develop on

its own as a result of your research and knowledge). The best way to find a great topic/thesis is to form your opinions by doing research on your topic (i.e. let your

topic take you where it needs to go). Ask “Why?” or “So what?” These papers should be interesting and thought provoking for both of us. Teach me something and convince

me that your point of view is valid and meaningful.

You will design your own unique research project, but that project must relate to one of the following broad categories covered in Signs of Life:

? Shopping
? Advertising
? Fashion
? Décor
? Consumerism
? Television
? Film
? Social Networks
? Video Games
? Contradictions in Popular Culture (see Chapter 6)
? Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, and/or Identity in Popular Culture (see Chapter 7)


First, you wrote an analysis essay breaking down and evaluating evidence from a single source. Next, you combined ideas analyzed from multiple sources in the synthesis

essay. At this point, you are ready to take information from multiple sources to create and support an argument of your own.

Many of you have written essays similar to this in the past; the only difference will most likely be the length of the essay and the number of sources. Don’t forget

that you have many resources: the library, your classmates, the Writing Center, and, of course, your instructor!


An academic audience who is interested in your topic but who may require some background information in order to understand your thesis.


Essays must be 6-8 pages long (that’s 1500-2000 words, not counting the heading, title, or Works Cited page), using MLA formatting guidelines (see A Writer’s

Reference, p. 55-6).

You are required to include a Works Cited page for this assignment that must include a minimum of seven credible sources cited in your essay. At least one of those

sources must be a text from Signs of Life. Reference works (such as encyclopedias and dictionaries) can be used, but they do not count as one of the seven required

sources. You are encouraged to find the best sources for your paper. You should find academic sources (from databases) whenever possible. These are the best sources.

Do not use Google to find all of your sources. For Works Cited page formatting, see WR p. 431. For a sample MLA formatted Works Cited page, see WR p. 440.