[Pg 11 on the document, also need to scroll back to Part 1 to answer this]_x000D_
a) Steps 1 and 2 in the PROCEDURE describe test tubes A and B in Diagram 1. Test tube A should contain the neutral [Fe(acac)3] complex synthesised in Part One and polar water, test tube B should contain [Fe(acac)3] and non-polar dichloromethane. Using the idea of “like dissolves like”, which test tube – A or B – do you predict will contain the dissolved [Fe(acac)3]? (Hint: see the notes on solubility in the Introduction section for help.)_x000D_
b) If the intensity of the colour of the solutions can be taken as a rough guide as to the concentration, which solvent layer in test tube B, the top or the bottom, contains the most [Fe(acac)3]?_x000D_
c) Is the layer you chose in question 4 (b) the polar (water) layer or the non-polar (dichloromethane) layer?_x000D_
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