Poe’s Short Story œA decent into Madness

This assignment requires a five paragraph essay (introduction with thesis statement, three supporting paragraphs, conclusion that restates thesis statement) on a literary work. Choose one of the following works:



Wordsworth’s œLines Composed a few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (27.1)
Blake’s œThe Tiger (27.4)
Shen Fu’s œSix Chapters from a Floating Life (27.5)
Thoreau’s œWalden (27.7)
Poe’s short story œA Descent into the Maelstrom (reading assignment folder)
Write 500-700 words (excluding quotes) and give your own interpretation of the way the work depicts nature. If you need a place to start, feel free to use the questions listed after the work in the textbook.

Do not pad the essay with general information like historical context or biographical information about the author. Do not summarize the work.

All analysis should be original: your thoughts in your own words. Do not use material from sources other than the primary text (including the textbook). Focus on your own interpretation of the meaning of the work. Cite quotes and use them to support your thesis statement. You may use three to five quotes from the poem or story to support your argument.



The assignment must have a heading that lists 1) your name, 2) HUM2249-Spring 2014, 3) Literature Critique EssayName of work, and 4) the submittal date). Don’t worry about formatting because I will grade you solely on content. Also, no citation is expected on the work, but please use quote marks when you use a quote from the work.

Also, please review the plagiarism policy in the syllabus. Like all written assignments for this course, the essay will be scanned using TurnItIn, so if you copy material from web sites, essay mills, work from previous students in this course, or other sources, you will receive a 0.

The link will remain open after the deadline, so you don’t have to email me regarding late work. However, you will be penalized 10% of the points per day starting the following day (no exceptions).

