Please adhere to the following report and formatting guidelines (points will be deducted if you do not):

Please adhere to the following report and formatting guidelines (points will be deducted if you do not):
No more than 5 pages of written text (references or bibliography don’t count as part of the 5 page limit)
Report should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (12 point), and 1 inch margins on all sides
Please number all questions before answering them
Be sure to CITE all sources and provide all publication information at the end of your assignment. Make sure to adhere to either MLA or APA formatting
Do not copy and paste text from the Internet. Turnitin will be used to check for plagiarism

Read the attached case œStarbucks- A Paragon of Growth and Employee Benefits Faces Storm Clouds then answer the following questions.

In early 2012, Starbucks began selling its new œBlonde Roast coffee at Starbucks stores as well as in grocery stores. Using some of the databases the business librarian went over in class, conduct some research on the Blonde Roast. Why did Starbucks bother introducing this new coffee? Identify at least 3 different reasons and CITE all of your sources. What segment of coffee drinkers (or non-drinkers) is Starbucks attempting to target with the Blonde Roast and how large is this segment (please be specific)? Based on your research, list at least 3 different ways that Starbucks has promoted the Blonde Roast to encourage trial (cite all sources).

Several recent surveys have found that Starbucks coffee in blind taste tests is not rated any higher by consumers than McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, and some local coffee houses. Yet, Starbucks continues to command a price premium. Discuss the implications of this statement based on outside research, the case you just read as well as by using any topics and discussions we have covered in class so far.

Some critics have argued that Starbucks has grown too quickly and has suffered financially as a result. Recently, Starbucks has targeted high growth and expansion in India as a means for achieving greater profits. Using the library databases, conduct some extensive research and then present Starbucks’ growth strategy in India. What challenges does the company face and how has it addressed these challenges? Describe at least 3 different challenges and discuss how Starbucks is addressing those challenges.

How would you prove that happy employees at Starbucks actually lead to greater sales?