Phil test – abortion

Phil test – abortion

Title       Phil test

Prefered Language style               English (U.S.)

Type of document           Essay

Number of pages/words              2 Pages Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)

Subject area       Philosophy

Academic Level High School

Style      MLA

Number of sources/references 4

Order description:

  1. Clearly explain Judith Jarvis Thomson’s violinist analogy and what it is meant to establish (in other words, does she use it to defend abortion in every case or only in some cases?). Also, explain what she means by ‘right to life’ and how she relates that analysis to the abortion debate. Finally, do you find Thomson’s analysis and argument to be rationally persuasive? Make sure to defend your answer using rational argumentation.

2.Clearly explain why Marquis thinks that abortion is immoral. In particular, explain his analysis of what makes killing an adult human being wrong and how that applies to an embryo. Is he using consequentialist or deontological reasoning to defend his view? Explain and defend your answer. Finally, do you find Marquis’s analysis and argument to be rationally persuasive? Make sure to defend your answer using rational argumentation.