PESTEL analysis We want you to use this framework in a thoughtful and critical way in order to evaluate the current and future attractiveness of a particular market segment. Draw some meaningful conclusions. B2C/B2B perspective

PESTEL analysis We want you to use this framework in a thoughtful and critical way in order to evaluate the current and future attractiveness of a particular market segment. Draw some meaningful conclusions. B2C/B2B perspective

Paper Type:        1#Critical Thinking

Subject:                 Business

Pages    1 (275 Words)

Sources                15

Spacing Double

Academic Level Masters

Quality  Platinum

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Paper details

Your assessment consists of a 3,000-word essay. The essay should have two main sections:

a PESTEL analysisWe want you to use this framework in a thoughtful and critical way in order to evaluate the current and future attractiveness of a particular market segment. Draw some meaningful conclusions.

B2C/B2B perspectiveThe second part will depend on whether you are taking a B2C or B2B perspective.

If you are taking a B2C perspective: the second part should entail applying the marketing mix and STP process in order to critically evaluate the company’s performance and how it could be improved (i.e. an application of what we called V 1 thinking).

Carefully evaluate how well the company is applying these two frameworks – the marketing mix and the STP process, and make some recommendations for how it could do it better.

If you are taking a B2B perspective: then this second part will consist of you arguing whether a V 1 , V 2 , or V 3 perspective should be taken in order to critically evaluate the company’s performance and how it could be improved. Again, carefully evaluate how well the company is – or is not – applying this kind of thinking, and make some recommendations for how it could do things better.

We will be looking to see if you are able to:

critically evaluate the attractiveness of the external business environment

demonstrate understanding of the PESTEL framework by applying it

if working in a B2C environment, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of segmentation, targeting, position and the ‘marketing mix’ and apply these concepts to the company in which you work.

if working in a B2B environment, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of the traditional transaction perspective, the relationship management perspective, and the network management perspective and evaluate the relative merits of whether to adopt a traditional transaction perspective, a relationship management perspective or a network management perspective to the company in which you work.