Personal statement for masters in environmental governance at the university of freiburg

Personal statement for masters in environmental governance at the university of freiburg

Discipline: Nature

Type of service: Personal Statement

Spacing: Single spacing

Paper format: Not applicable

Number of pages: 2 pages

Number of sources: 2 sources

Paper details:

Guideline for Motivation Letter An important part of your application is – beside your certificates – the motivation letter. Please stick to the following guiding questions and answer them in the same order as listed below. Otherwise your application cannot be considered.



  1. Personal Understanding of Environmental Governance (1 sentence)
  2. Your motivation to apply in relation to your previous education / work experience (half a page)
  3. Motivation to apply in relation to your future aspirations; preferred working field (half a page)
  4. Name three main benefits you expect to gain from the MSc program (list)
  5. Name three main contributions you could make to the MSc program (list)
  6. Five arguments / personal characteristics, why you should be selected according to your own view (list). 7. As last part of the motivation letter please write the following sentence and sign it: With the signature below I confirm that I have written the motivation letter by myself, without outside help and that I marked clearly all contents taken from other sources. Place, date:____________ Signature:______________________ The motivation letter as a whole should not be longer than two pages.