Personal & Professional development

Task 1

Submit a Personal Development Journal (PDJ) that should include:

a.    How you overcame weaknesses by undertaking intended activities toward self-development identified in your PDP (submitted in Assignment 1). This journal must

chronicle the following:
    Take one activity individually.
    Detail how it is done all the way to its conclusion.
    Record your personal feeling about this activity.
    Record your learnt experiences from the activity.
    What was easy to record about the activity?
    What was difficult to record about the activity?
    How has this activity allowed you develop either personally or professionally?

[You should effectively include a discussion on the Action Plan used to successfully implement each activity from the start to its conclusion]

Discuss the processes and activities required to implement a development plan
Undertake and document development activities as planned

[Successful completion of TASK 1a will allow the learner to accomplish LO 3.1 & 3.2]

b.    The items you would update in your PDP after careful consideration, based on the feedback received from your lecturers and/or peers and/or any respected

[You should effectively identify at least 3 items from your PDP, resetting your aims and targets critically reflecting on:
    your strengths and weaknesses
    your learning style
    what and how you learnt from others
    your ability to change]
Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan
Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation