‘Know Your Representatives’

Guidance Sheet

POL S 101 WINTER 2019


The following assignment is a basic research project that includes a brief analysis and articulation of your views.

Draft for Comment:  Any student who would like to submit a draft for comment, please do so via email at least one week prior to required submission. I will make comments and return to you asap.

Writing Support:  For individuals who struggle with reports or writing in general, it is recommended that once complete, your set up a tutorial with the Learning Center to help edit the paper. Conversely, Grammarly is worth the investment. It not only corrects well but is a great teaching tool. 


  • This assignment is worth 70 p Each question is weighted using an assessment framework.
  • The aim of this writing project is not just technical learning but to improve your ability to research, analyze and synthesize information for drafting papers, documents or briefs. While this is not a writing class, your paper’s structure and organization will be considered, and significant typos and grammatical errors will mean point deductions, albeit within reason.
  • You may also want to ensure no plagiarism by running your paper through a free online software tool like ‘Grammarly’ and/or Google.



  • 4-6 Pages, plus separate pages for appendix and bibliography
  • Typed, double-spaced, 12-point font
  • One-inch margins, numbered pages and stapled report


Advance Work: (5 points scored separately given an earlier due date)

  1. Values: Listed below are key values one considers when thinking about public policy and voting.  Determine your top three values which will be used in the paper.



  1. Freedom   Justice
  2. Diversity               Self-Reliance
  3. Equality   Community
  4. Cooperation  Stability
  5. Security                Democracy
  6. TYPOLOGY: Take the 15-minute typology test using the following link:  A printout of the page that shows completion should be attached. Please black out the categorization if you want to keep your typology confidential. I have no way of knowing your results individually, only for the class cumulatively.







You are requested to research information about your representatives in the US Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) and the California Legislature (Senate and Assembly), followed by a short analysis that includes the results from Numbers 1 and 2. Suggestion is to use primary headers to ensure you cover all areas.


Key websites to help you get started are for the US Congress and for the California State Legislature. However, information from the representatives’ websites should be verified, expanded upon or countered with information from other sites.




  1. Introduction: Introduce the paper in 1-2 sentences.


  1. The US Congress (20 Points)


  1. Your US Congressional Senator:
    1. Identify one of your two US Congressional Senators
    2. Give a short description of the individual, party affiliation, how long holding the seat, when up for re-election
    3. Review bills, issue, regulations, or policies that your senator engages on and select ONE of significance. Briefly outline the issue, note your views on what appealed to you and why you thought this issue was important. Conversely, note what worried you about this issue and why you think attention to it is important. Trace the issue to the US Constitution by Article, amendment, etc.


  1. Your Congressional Representative
    1. Identify the number and name of your congressional district and briefly discuss features and/or demographics.
    2. Identify your Congressional Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.
    3. Give a short description of the individual, party affiliation, how long holding the seat, when up for re-election.
    4. Review bills, issue, regulations, or policies that your senator engages on and select ONE Briefly outline the issue, note your views on what appealed to you and why you thought this issue was important. Conversely, note what worried you about this issue and why you think attention to it is important. Trace the issue to the US Constitution by Article, amendment, etc.


  • The California State Legislature (15 Points)


  1. Your California State Senator
    1. Identify your California State Senator for your district.
    2. Note his/her party affiliation, how long holding the seat, when up for re-election.
    3. Select ONE bill, issue, regulation, or policy that your senator engages on and briefly discuss. Note your views on why/not you think the topic/issue is a) important and b) relevant to your life.


  1. Your California State District Assembly Member
    1. Identify Your California state district assembly member.
    2. Note the district number, boundaries and demographics.
    3. Select ONE issue, regulation, or policy that your assembly person engages on and briefly outline.


  1. Analysis: and Recommendations (20 points)
    1. Outline which if any of your representatives or senators (or a voting bloc constituency) you would you support or not and outline why.
      • Consider including as you answer, whether typology or values impacted your vote. For example
        1. Did you base your support on your values or your typology aligning with the candidate? (You do not need to divulge the actual values/party affiliation in the document unless you prefer)
  • Was it a certain policy decision (s)? Was it an overall voting record?
  • Was is character, likeability, years in service, name recognition etc.?
  • Other?
  1. If you could offer any recommendations to this particular lawmaker on the main issue discussed or on how he/she conducts affairs as a people’s representative, what would it be?
  2. Conclusion: Discuss the lessons you learned from doing this assignment in relation to government and politics, and any relevance to you personally as a citizen/student.


  1. Annexes: (10 points) On separate pages, not counted as part of the 4-6 pages document
  2. Appendix: Provide contact information for each of your representatives including e-mail, phone, mailing address, social media
  3. Sources:  Bibliography, using correct formatting from MLA or another credible source.      


To prepare for this PDP Assignment:


  • Build upon the material from your Week 4 reflective paper (file attached). In doing so, please reflect upon the feedback from your Week 4 PDP. Below are questions/issues that you may again like to further reflect upon:
  • What links have you now identified between accounting and finance and effective strategic decision making?
  • Further discuss those areas of financial and management accounting, plus financial management, that have most resonated with you.
  • How do you see the concepts that you have studied applying to your professional experience, plus your personal finances?
  • What steps might you now take to aid you in the transition of applying the coursework to your workplace?
  • How can you link what you have studied in Managing Financial Resourceswith what you took away from your previous modules?
  • What ethical and cultural issues have you considered important in this module and how have they impacted upon your views of global business?
  • Do you feel that you have improved your ‘key skills’ (report writing, time management, etc.) as a result of your experiences with this module?