20th century
Paper instructions:
Students must choose a topic related to their career ambitions, and get this topic approved by
speaking to me, or by sending a few sentences describing the paper to twhite1@njcu.edu.
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Once topics are
approved, students will conduct research and write a 5 page paper. It is vital that you have an approved
topic by the time our library workshop starts, at 5 pm on 3/4. All papers must have citations in either
footnote (Chicago) or parenthetical (MLA/APA) style. Footnotes or endnotes must have a Bibliography,
while parentheticals are followed by a œWorks Cited.
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Plagiarism in any form is a serious offense at NJCU. Incidences of plagiarism
are grounds for an
F grade on an assignment or for the course. If you paste in sentences from a website,
and then change them around œto make them your own, this is still serious plagiarism and you will still
get an F.
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You must write all of the sentences that appear in your paper, unless they are in quotes. I
am a stickler about plagiarism and I have digital tools to help me detect it. Please do not disrespect
yourself or the mission of our University by engaging in this behavior
get back to me before you start this paper
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