No surprises act assignment

No surprises act assignment

Type of service:  Academic Writing

Work type:          Research paper

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:  Business and administrative studies

Title: No surprises act assignment

Number of sources:     3

Paper instructions:     

Please identify, list, explain and prioritize the key protections and provisions of the act and relate these to your position as Health CareManager of a Practice, A Clinic, A Hospital and the Public Benefits



Type of service:  Academic Writing

Work type:          Research paper

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:  Religious studies


Number of sources:     2

Paper instructions:     



A pastor is viewed as a theologian, counselor, administrator, and researcher of the Scriptures. As a consequence, church members will make inquiry from him about many different kinds of issues, including some that are extremely controversial within the life of a church (he as a minister has to become a referee). Thus, it is important that one prepare himself for every situation so that the under-shepherd will be able to teach God’s people (2 Timothy 4:2). Most likely this is another reason why you are in this course. Thus, this paper has been designed so that you can learn to administrate on issues involving church life. Usually, in ministry, the minister is faced with difficult issues, and is only given a short period of time to respond. Therefore, this exercise has been created to teach you how to quickly define and defend your stance.

The topic of this paper will be: “A paid staff member in your church has been found guilty of a moral failure. Some say, “Get rid of him’ while others say, ‘Christ forgave; why shouldn’t we do the same?””


This paper should be written so that it defines/explains your position and defends your view on the assigned topic. It should be between 1-2 pages in length, excluding the title page and bibliography. The content of this paper should begin with an introduction consisting of a single paragraph explaining why the topic is controversial and stating your position clearly. The remainder of the paper should flesh out your position from a biblical perspective utilizing key passages on the topic and end with a conclusion providing suggestions for further study. Your paper should include the Bible and at least 1 scholarly resource. This paper should follow current Turabian guidelines and be without any grammatical or spelling errors.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Dantes Inferno

Dantes Inferno

Type of service:                Academic Writing

Work type:         Annotated bibliography

Format:                MLA

Pages:   2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:            English 101

Title:      Dante’s Inferno

Number of sources:        4

Paper instructions:         


To prepare for your research paper, you will submit an annotated bibliography that contains at least four scholarly research sources.

These sources should come ONLY from the GMC library databases; going beyond GMC Library should only be done when there are no valid sources for your topic there, and even then, sources should be limited to .edu or .org sources- avoid sources at all costs (Wikipedia, Sparknotes, LitCharts, etc). Contact me if you’re unsure about a source’s validity.

For each source, you will first provide an MLA-formatted works cited entry for that source. Remember, the lit databases at GMC Library will do those entries for you.

Then, underneath each individual source, you will provide a paragraph-length annotation. An annotation is a brief summary of the source’s main ideas or points, and may also include a sentence or two about how/why you think this source is relevant to your idea or helpful for your paper.


You must provide at least four source entries.

Each research source should be a critical argument/point-of-view on the reading you’ve chosen for your research paper. Sources that only provide biographical information or plot summary are unacceptable. Sources should be scholarly and relevant to your topic.


The annotation for each source entry should be a paragraph in length (around 100-150 words).

You must include a brief summary of the source. This summary should include the author’s thesis.

You must provide an explanation how this source is relevant to your planned research paper topic.

For more information on how to write an annotated bibliography, you should view the Purdue OWL’s website here:

THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES ASSIGNMENT :Man is basically good since God created him

THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES ASSIGNMENT :Man is basically good since God created him

Type of service:                Academic Writing

Work type:         Research paper

Format:                APA

Pages:   2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:            Religious studies


Number of sources:        2

Paper instructions:         





Each “essay set” assignment comprises a set of two (2) distinct essay question prompts (sets). These prompts are designed to stimulate your thinking and assess the knowledge gleaned from the textbook and course reading. You will then utilize this information by applying it to a simulated potential real-life scenario where you utilize apologetic tools to defend the Gospel. Each essay is meant to answer a related group of questions, so it is important that you are thorough in answering the questions completely. This practice will prepare you for defending the faith outside the classroom setting.


You and the gentlemen decide to continue meeting to discuss more theological issues. In your conversation he states that man is basically good since God created him. Additionally, he states that God’s image is reflected in both man and animals. How would you respond to both assertions, man is basically good and the image of God is reflected in both man and animals? Be sure to use relevant Scripture and supporting research in your response.

After providing a response to the above statement he then asks a follow up question in regards to the image of God. He wonders if the image of God in man has been damaged. If so, why or why not?

Items to include are outlined as follows: 1000-1300 words in length.

• Double spaced

o 12 pt. Times New Roman font

o 1″ margins

o No extra space between lines or paragraphs

o Leveled headings required. • Turabian formatting must be utilized.

At least two (2) sources must be utilized.

The Bible (relevant scriptural passages) must be used but does not count toward the two (2) source requirement.

It is expected that the course textbook and assigned reading will qualify as the primary sources for writing essays; however, you are permitted to use other academic/scholarly sources.

Jesus is the only way to Heaven

Jesus is the only way to Heaven

Type of service:  Academic Writing

Work type:          Research paper

Format:      Other : Research paper

Pages:        2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:  Religious studies


Number of sources:     2

Paper instructions:     




You are having a conversation with a friend. He she asks you why some people believe that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He/she shares with you how he she believes Jesus is a good way, but that there are many ways to Heaven. As a matter of fact, as you continue to talk, he she notes that he/she believes one can, in essence, work his her way to Heaven with his/her good deeds.

How would you humbly, graciously, honestly, truthfully, and biblically share the truth of the gospel with him her? How would explain salvation to him/her? How would you note the need for salvation to him/her? How would you point out false views of salvation? How would you invite him her to come and follow Jesus as well personally? Remember, this is not a battle or fight to win. This is a friend that needs Christ. Be sure to use relevant Scripture and supporting sources to substantiate your response.


This essay needs to be at least 2-4 pages double-spaced. A Cover Page & Bibliography Page must be included, but these are not included in the page totals required. It is expected that the course textbook and assigned reading will qualify as the primary sources for writing essays; however, students are permitted to use other sources (but these cannot be blogs, church, or ministry websites). Any sources quoted or used in the essay should be footnoted and cited.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool

Formatting and references. Turabian.

Injuries due to trucking accident :Health Administration at Flores Tawney and Acosta, P.C.

Injuries due to trucking accident :Health Administration at Flores Tawney and Acosta, P.C.

Type of service:                Academic Writing

Work type:         Other : scholorship essay

Format:                APA

Pages:   1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:                Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Discipline:            Health Care

Title:      Injurues due to trucking accident

Number of sources:        0

Paper instructions:         

Home » Undergrad Scholarship Contest

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Our attorneys at Flores Tawney & Acosta, P.C. want to hear about what drives you to be the best. As serious trucking accident attorneys, we are tirelessly working to help those that have suffered serious injuries

In your essay submission, we want to hear about:

What career have you decided to pursue? Health Administration

What do you plan on accomplishing with the time spent with your education and when you begin your career?

Please provide the following:

In 300 – 450 words tell us about what you plan to do as a career, why you chose that as a career, and any future goals that you have set for yourself.

Minister as Administrator

Minister as Administrator

Type of Service:Academic Writing

Work Type:Research paper

Format:Other : Research paper

Pages:1 page – 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:Religious studies

Title: Minister as Administrator

Number of sources:2

Paper instructions:

Minister as Administrator

100 pts

Based on the model discussed earlier in the course describing Pastor, Teacher/Preacher, Administrator, Self/Family, how does administration fit into a minister’s life?

Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions prior to posting. You may also click the three dots in the upper corner to Show Rubric.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

Interview Assignments- Ministry is not a one-man enterprise. It is an undertaking that takes a community

Interview Assignments- Ministry is not a one-man enterprise. It is an undertaking that takes a community

Type of Service:Academic Writing

Work Type:Research paper

Format:Other : Research paper

Pages:2 pages – 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:Religious studies

Title:Interview Assignments

Number of sources:2

Paper instructions:

Check instructions and interviews attached.

Nb. P.S is pastor sally and C.W is Chief Wade

Interviews Assignment Instructions


Ministry is not a one-man enterprise. It is an undertaking that takes a community. This paper was designed to help you become a better minister (administrator) by learning from both another minister and manager, hearing about their failures and successes in their line of work.


This paper should include information gathered by doing an interview of a minister and a manager. The interviews may be live (i.e. in person, by phone, facetime) or by email. If email is used, you are responsible to follow up on questions / topics as needed just as you would in a live interview. Examples of a manager may be from retail (i.e.Wal-Mart), business (i.e. bank), education (i.e. elementary school), or similar position. The manager’s organization should have at least 5 different full-time employees for whom he or she is responsible. The interviews may not be anonymous (i.e. you should provide brief but appropriate details about each person). Required topics include each person’s administrative style, an overview of their administrative responsibilities, and their successes & failures.

The paper should compare and contrast the different administrative styles between the minister and the manager to see the similarities and differences.NOTE: The goal is not to compare the job descriptions of the two but rather to discover the similarities and differences in how each person manages and fulfills their administrative responsibilities. Details which aren’t relevant should be left out of the paper. You should not have comments such as, “The pastor’s goal is to save souls and the manger’s goal is to make money.”

There are no set questions.You are free to ask any that you would like as long as you meet the objectives of the assignment and cover the required topics. You should ask the same questions of both persons. Some questions that come to mind include:

  • Please describe some of your more important administrative duties.
  • What are some of your successes as a manager?
  • What are some of your failures as a manager?
  • How would you describe your administration style?
  • What do you look for in an employee/volunteer?
  • Who would you consider a mentor for yourself as a leader?
  • Where do you turn for leadership training?

This paper should be 3–5 pages in length, excluding the cover page and bibliography. At least one scholarly source and/or the scriptures should be utilized in your paper (i.e. a brief quote in the conclusion).This paper is to follow current Turabian guidelines and should be presented without any grammatical or spelling errors.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitinplagiarism tool.


In the interview P.S is Pastor Sally and C.W is Chief Wade.

Please describe most important administrative duties

Pastor Sally : Take care of the flock by building sermons weekly, going hospitals, being available, creating disciples for different departments and functions in the church

Chief Wade : to the employee, that I maintains safety and work environment suitable of the company

Success as a manager

P.S: seeing potential to help nurture calling and purpose

Knowing when to make the necessary changes in ministry according to person and spiritual gift to help flourish

CW: employee for higher position, provide stable leadership throughout time of adversity requiring critical response ( strikes, natural disasters) maintain lasting relationships with clients employees and general public creating committees recognizing employees such as employee of the month and banquets

How has restoring or managing affected you positively in your personal life ?

P.s: patience and kindness

Cw: doesn’t mix work with home


Ps: perfectionist and pushy towards congregation when it came to serving and goals

CW: tootrusting and not overseeing those in in finances and payroll

Who do you go to for leadership ?

PS: Apostle Hilliard, other renown ministers, I am submitted to the authority

Cw: a previous employer for 10 plus years,

Bishop, Vince McMann, Donald Trump

What’s your administrative style ?

P.S:goal oriented people oriented micro manage, more open to wisdom of the flock

CW: firm yet faur approach, believe in empowering others to perform their job, problem solver, always be positive, do not micro manage, straight-forward and direct

What do you look for in volunteer/employee?

PS: heart, faithfulness ( if your annoited you cannot be used if you don’t show up ) integrity ,commitment to vision

CW: trustworthiness, reliability, integrity, character, decision making skills, calm under pressure, (your best ability is availability )

Where do you see you and the church / company in 1 year ?

P:S restructure myself for retirement, continue to build up disciples to preach and serve, for her to decrease so others may increase as she transition to explore different parts if ministry such as disciple making, book writing, conferences

CW: increase growth , revenue , build more clientele and relationships with clients , staff and vendors

Where do you turn for leadership training?

CW : workshops conferences mentors books on leadership

PS. Self taught , bishop , experience, ministry classes

Healthcare Marketing MAR371: large outgrowth and decline among several important demographic groups

Healthcare Marketing MAR371: large outgrowth and decline among several important demographic groups

Type of Service:Academic Writing

Work Type:Research paper


Pages:1 page – 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Discipline:Health Care

Title:Healthcare Marketing MAR371 – Week 3 Discussion

Number of sources:1

Paper instructions:

To post your answer click on the title Week 3 Discussion above. Then in that forum, click on Create Thread.

Answer the following question in your first post:

Mary Hayes is the director of patient engagement in a relatively large city in the upper Midwest. In a strategic planning committee meeting, the marketing director had presented an overview of the latest demographic projections of the region, which were somewhat disconcerting. “The region is showing a large outgrowth and decline among several important demographic groups,” the marketing director noted. “There is a 1.6% decline in the important demographic of 26- to 40-year-olds reflective of our declining economic opportunities for jobs, and there is a decline in the 60- to 75-year-olds, who are moving to retirement locations.”    

The group agreed that this was a situation facing many similar communities in the upper Midwest, but the hospital had two competitors of good size in the region. Provide your recommendations as to strategies to consider at this stage of the life cycle for the organization and the market.

Source: Chapter 12 Problems (Essentials of Health Care Marketing  – Berkowitz)

Three posts are required for this week’s discussion. You should post on at least three separate days throughout the week (one initial post plus two responses = three total).

Please put together complete and well, thought out responses. I am looking for original input so please share your thoughts and experiences so we can all learn from them. Please make sure that you back up the posts with factual information from the textbook, research, work/life experiences, etc.

I am looking forward to some great discussions!

Make sure you use this reference;