Organizational Readiness Assessment Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay


Using an organization of your choice , you are to complete an individual analytics readiness assessment and a strategic plan. This cumulative assignment will bring all facets of the curriculum into a specific approach for driving transformation through the use of analytics. Note that even though you have previously been working on these case studies in your groups, this assessment is an individual assignment.

The Analytics Readiness Assessment should contain a thorough review and assessment of the following important factors:

  1. IT Readiness
    1. Do you have the right technical team?
    2. Do you have the right leadership in pace?
    3. Does IT have the proper data governance practices in place?
  2. Business Readiness
    1. Have you identified your needs?
    2. Do you have right analysts?
    3. Do you know what’s already in place?
    4. Is the business ready for analytics?
  3. Technology Readiness
    1. Have you identified the right tools and technology
    2. Are infrastructure and security in place?
    3. Do we have the right implementation partner identified?
  4. Data Readiness
    1. Are the source systems mature?
    2. Do you have sufficient data coverage?
    3. What are the data quality risks




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