Organizational Culture Paper

Organizational Culture Paper

Type of document       Essay

3 Pages Double Spaced

Subject area        Business

Academic Level  High School

Style APA

References 3

Order description:

Introduction and Purpose of Assignment

Organizations should identify the key factors that are the basis of their principles, core values, and ethics. These factors should be apparent in the mission and guiding strategies of the organization and should be evident within the business culture itself.


  • Discuss how organizations should ground their principles, core values, and ethics within their culture and operating practices. (3.2)

Theory and Context

The key factors must be implemented within the foundational framework of the corporate culture in order to develop a strong foundation for all stakeholders involved. These principles and values should be the norm with the organization at all times, even though the culture of the organization could change as the organization expands across borders. Organizations may change their culture, but must continue to provide the same core values.


Tedx talks. (2012). Creating ethical cultures in business: Brooke Deterline at

TEDxPresidio [Video file]. Retrieved


  1. Explain how your organization or an organization that you know grounds their principles, core values, and ethics within their culture and operating practices.
  2. Explain how effective this is within their structure and what you would do differently and why.
  3. Consider how you would incorporate your Christian principles and values within the organization, even if the company has rules against the expression of religion in the work environment.
  4. Conduct further research to validate your response.
  5. Use the Paper Writing Rubric below to ensure you have met all the criteria for this assignment.

General Paper Writing Rubric


A level        B level        C level        D or F levels

Please select and utilize the appropriate checklist to assist with content quality.

Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors

Research Paper / Essay

Relevant content with analysis is developed. Relevant content exists, but needs more analysis.

Content is somewhat relevant, but lacks analysis.   Information is provided.

Analysis is excellent.    Analysis is good. Analysis is average.

Analysis is difficult to follow.

Supporting Resources

The required number of relevant resources is integrated to articulate major points, if applicable. Relevant resources are provided, but not the number required for the paper, if applicable.       Resources are provided, but not relevant to the content and requirements of the paper, if applicable.         The required number of supporting resources is not provided, if applicable.


Once the paper is written, please apply the checklist for presentation points.

Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors

Writing follows the presentation checklist.

Writing follows some of the presentation checklist.

Writing does not follow most of the presentation checklist.

Writing does not follow the presentation checklist.

Presented in APA format very well.

Presented in APA format with minor errors.

Presented in APA format for the most part.

Not presented in APA format well or not at all.

Resources are correctly referenced to APA standard.

Resources are referenced to APA standard.

Resources incorrectly referenced to APA standard.

Resources not referenced to APA standard.


No grammatical errors will be a perfect score.

Minor grammatical errors (1-3).

Some grammatical errors (4-5).

Many grammatical errors (6-9).

Many grammatical errors (10+).