organisation design and development

Please write a dissertation based on a case study for ?Teach for All? non profit organization with the
following analysis and learning outcomes:
1. Critically analyse the design of ?Teach for All? non profit organization, showing how it supports the
achievement of the organisation’s objectives.
2. Reflecting on ?Teach for All? analysis above, analyse the extent to which design features in ?Teach for
All? might or might not make useful improvements to the achievement of British Petroleum
Plcorganisation’sobjectives . (Comparison)
3. Justify the role of HR in supporting changes when developing organisational structures
Learning Outcomes:
1. Available design options regarding organisational structures and relationships.
Indicative content:Organisation structures; formal and informal organisations; types of organisation
structure, for example bureaucratic, entrepreneurial, matrix, differentiated; flexible working patterns; core
and peripheral models; the nature of the employment contract; the economic and environmental context of
organisation design and development; internationalisation, globalisation and transnational structures;
legislative, socio?political influences; external and internal factors impacting on choices and decisionmaking
around structures and delivery of services; government initiatives and programmes impacting on
organisation design.
2. Methods and procedures of organisation development and review their strategic impact.
Indicative content: Measuring and managing performance outcomes; setting and managing key
performance indicators; data col??????lection through employee surveys and consultation procedures;
using outcomes from performance reviews; applications of the balanced scorecard; the links to continuous
improvement strategies; the links to learning and development; towards a learning organisation.
3. Change management strategies and activities through the application of organisation development
strategies, which might support organisation design and realignment outcomes.
Indicative content: Working with organisation development as a change methodology; origins and
applications of change management; concepts and models of change; the process of change; analysis of
the organisation as a precursor to change; environmental scanning; the concept of stakeholder analysis;
the role of the change agent; the role of the HR specialist in supporting the introduction of strategic
change, for example downsizing, redundancy, new employment relationships; external and internal change
strategies through the application of government initiatives, for example Investors in People, Train to Gain;
applying quality standards, for example ISO, EFQM; becoming a learning organisation; resourcing and
management of programmes.
4. The importance of the HR role in advising on these design and development choices and supporting
their implementation
Indicative content: The HR role in supporting the design and implementation of new ways of working;
improving organisational and individual performance through job design, job enlargement and job
enrichment; the HR role in organisation development; the use of internal and external consultants;
facilitation styles; the concept of business partnering; managing cultural change programmes.