optimum nutrition counseling

optimum nutrition counseling

1. List three characteristics you believe are important for a counselor to posses to perform optimum nutrition counseling? Why do you believe these characteristics are important?
2. Give three examples of effective non-verbal behavior. What assets contribute to their effectiveness?
3. Using your own words define nutrition counseling
4. Using your own words define empathy. Why is this characteristic so very important to nutrition counseling?
5. Self-disclosure is a response in which the counselor verbally shares information about themselves. Briefly note the two pros and two cons of using self-disclosure in nutrition counseling.
6. Identify three environmental factors that should be taken into account when designing a plan of action to implement a goal.
7. Discuss 3 ways in which nutrition counselors can assess their own effectiveness
8. Why do professional organizations like the American Dietetic Association develop codes of ethics?
9. Briefly explain the boundaries between nutrition counseling and psychotherapy
10. Explain the role of the client as a self-manager