Opening a Channel :Finding connection and healing beyond the clinic

A POLICY ANALYSIS PAPER on how to effectively use Community health workers to prevent and manage chronic disease. Write this assignment with the following in mind:_x000D_
Identify two policy alternatives- who will be responsible for implementation ( which federal or private sector agency will be held accountable?)_x000D_
Criteria- Identify 2-3 criteria you will use to evaluate your policy options( i.e., political feasibility, economic/fiscal feasibility, outcome measures, efficiency, effectiveness & ease of implementation.) Please think about Stone’s policy goals and problems._x000D_
Evaluate each option based on your 2-3 criteria.( There may be more than 2-3 criteria but in the interest of your limited time, please narrow your focus)._x000D_
Political considerations- From whom do you want to elicit support?_x000D_
Discuss the limitations of your policy analysis_x000D_
Provide a brief conclusion_x000D_

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