œMedia and popular culture or both œHealth and medicine+Media and popular culture

Order Description

Assignment sheet : compose a 10-item Annotated Bibliography in MLA style on any aspect of a topic taken from these chapters in the Common Reader: Chapter 9: œMedia and Popular Culture, or BOTH Chapters 9 and 12 (œHealth and Medicine).
The essays in these 2 chapters are the following:

In Health And Medicine (Chapter 12 of the Common Reader) :
“ œThis is the end of the world : The Black Death by Barbara Tuchman.
“ œIt’s Spreading by Jil Lepore
“ œTopic of Cancer by Christopher Hitchens
“ œThe Masked Marvel’s Last Toehold by Richard Selzer
“ œBetween a Woman and Her Doctor by Martha Mendoza
“ œNaked by Atul Gawande
“ œThe Terrifying Normalcy of AIDS by Stephen Jay Gould.
“ œThe Globalization of Eating Disorders by Susan Bordo

In Media and Popular Culture (chapter 9 from the Common Reader) :
“ œThe Gangster as Tragic Hero by Robert Warshow
“ œWhy we Love œMad Men by Lauren M. E. Goodlad
“ œA Nation of Vidiots by Jeffrey Sachs
“ œMy creature from the Black Lagoon by Stephen King
“ œRed White, and Beer by Dave Barry
“ œWonder Woman by Gloria Steinem
“ œSupersaturation, or, The media Torrent and Disposable Feeling
“ œEscape from Wonderland: Disney and the Female Imagination by Deborah Ross

