Observation and assessment in early years
Discipline: – Pedagogy
Type of service: Case Study
Spacing: Double spacing
Paper format: Other (add to details)
Number of pages: 4 pages
Number of sources: 3 sources
Paper details:
Child Observation -case study- Ahmad, age 4 years old
-areas of development: communication and language ( listening, understanding, speaking ):
Ahmad is securely meeting the expectations for this area of learning. As his listening and attentive skills have developed, he is able to actively participate in with repeated refrains as well as competently anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. He understands open ended questions such as ‘why’ and ‘how’. Ahmad understands the use of prepositions such as ‘under’, ‘on top’, ‘below’ and ‘behind’. His bank of words is growing and he can use these in the right context.
-Area of development : literacy ( reading, writing )
Ahmad is still struggle to describe the main story settings, events and principal characters. He knows that information can be relayed in the form of print and can recognise familiar words and signs such as his name, only with teacher support. Ahmad is making marks during our writing sessions but not always is able to share the meaning of the marks.
-area of development : PSED
Ahmad has shown good progress in this area of learning. He has formed good relationships with his friends, teachers and support staff. He works well in a group situation often sharing his play ideas. Ahmad can select and use activities and resources with support. He enjoys having the responsibility of carrying out small tasks in the classroom such as line leader. His confidence in new social situations is developing. Ahmad can at times adapt his behaviour and is developing acceptance regarding the needs of others. He can take turns and share resources.
He has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class.
1. explain the chosen observation method (the rationale)
2. explain which physical, ethical and legal factors have been taken into account for this observation
3. explain the relevant information from other sources that might has been used (eg parents, children, key worker/person, team members and colleagues, other professionals, previous records).
4. explain the next steps for learning and development of Ahmad (links to current curriculum frameworks)
5. explain how to meet the needs of the child (Ahmad )
6. explain how to meet the interests of the child (Ahmad )
7. explain the development of the practitioner practice involved in this case
8. explain service provision (staff, environment, planning, room layout ,appropriateness of provision )
9. evaluate the child development theories which might have been considered when making this observation
10. explain play theories and philosophical approaches which might have been considered when making this observation