Nursing Shortage in US:Problem and Solution

. Identifies, summarizes, and develops the research problem; identifies relationships in analysis; articulates importance of problem

2. Justifies problem clearly and precisely; expresses relationship to other problems in the discipline

3. Demonstrates vocabulary that is discipline-appropriate; presents more than one idea and argues challenging ideas; about to articulate less obvious or more challenging ideas

1. Identifies and considers influence of context and assumptions (own and those of others); recognizes influence of own biases

2. Develops, presents, and articulates own position in relation to others’; originality of thought; argues position consistently throughout

3. Integrates other perspectives and positions

4. Identifies and articulates conclusions and summary, analyzing implications that go beyond the discipline

5. Demonstrates understanding and integration of other disciplines to enhance focus and depth1. Integrates 2 or more values with the research problem

2. Applies values to enhance the main ideas of the problem

3. Demonstrates reflection on ethics, professionalism; articulates ethical significance of problem to discipline and beyond discipline
