Neil Klugman, Brenda Patimkin
Mr. Patimkin, Mrs. Patimkin, the boy from the library
Guiding questions to aide in your in-depth characterization:
“ What was your character like in the beginning of the book?
“ What kind of relationship does your character have
with other characters?
“ What events affect your character in a positive or
negative way?
“ How does your character change? Is there a change?
“ What seems to be important to your character? What doesn’t?
**Challenge yourself to choose a character that you feel a connection
Effective/Positive Teacher-Student Relationships
Articles must be selected from peer-reviewed professional Journals of Education.
Articles must be current (published within the last 5 years) and must address the topics listed above.
Please use Liberty University’s Online Library services in order to locate your articles. The research portal ERIC is one of the most frequently used databases for researching education topics. However, Liberty University’s EBSCOhost also provides full-length articles to download or for free.
The login info is username : jfabien3 password: mememon73
INCLUDE A COPY of the actual article along with your journal article review (the assignment submission area allows multiple document uploads).
Write your article review using Microsoft Word (no other computer program is acceptable; such as Works or Word Perfect).
Each Journal Article Review must be accompanied by a title/reference page, as well as at least 3 references. One reference will be the selected article, another can be any other scholarly sources related to the topic, and the third source must be biblical Scripture(s) that relate to the topic. Give a brief explanation of the selected Scripture.
Utilize a professional writing style. Do not begin œThis article is about¦ Open the review with a strong thesis statement and thoroughly summarize the author’s main points in the first part of your review. First-person can only be used in your detailed response to the article. Make sure you identify each section with headings/sub-topics.
Each journal article review must be 1½“2 pages in length and adhere to APA formatting (Note: Please make sure that you have reviewed the grading rubric