needs to be about Musical Theatre, Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

Paper details
The Essay needs to be about Musical Theatre, what it is, its history, the different styles of musical theatre. It has to have at
least 3 sources that need to be cited.
Your Project Term Paper Essay must be taken from at least “3” sources (Books, Magazine Articles, Web Sites, Newspaper,
or Encyclopedia Articles, Etc.), but most of your notes must be extracted from a source other than the Internet!
Studentisnottolisttwoormoresong titles in
sequence in the Oral Presentation Essay. Student is not to list two or more artist/ and or group awards in sequence in the
Oral Presentation Essay. 2). Project Essay Paper taken from various Sources must be in your own words, any phrases
copied directly from a source, without “Quoting” the original Author will embody Plagiarism.
