Multiple Streams

a. Synthesizing across Kingdon and McLendon, discuss these 4 central tenets or claims of multiple streams (MS) theory: the 3 streams and their nature; factors affecting which policy alternatives get serious attention in the policy stream; policy entrepreneurs and their nature; and coupling and policy windows. Be sure to explicitly draw on all the readings, citing the relevant pages. You can use initials for the authors’ last names e.g. M [for McLendon], p. 485.

b. Drawing on Mintrom & Norman, lay out 1 key way in which their policy entrepreneurship (PE) theory resembles Kingdon’s multiple streams (MS) theory and 2 ways in which their policy entrepreneurship (PE) theory differs from Kingdon’s multiple streams (MS) theory. Be sure to lay these points out carefully, citing the relevant pages.
c. Lay out 3 main criticisms that can be made of MS/PE theory. Make clear what tenet of MS/PE theory you are criticizing and cite the appropriate pages. On at least one of these criticisms, make sure to bring in Lukes and Gaventa on three dimensions of power..
d. Describe 2 ways in which the McLendon reading does fit with the multiple streams or policy entrepreneurship perspectives and 1 way it may not. In each case, explain your reasoning and cite the relevant pages in McLendon and in the MS/PE pieces.
