Topic: Microbiology Antimicrobial Therapies
Extensive and wide use or prescription of antibiotics has resulted in the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria especially in beta (b) lactam antibiotics. Over the years, bacteria have developed different strategies with which they deal with the antimicrobial activity of (b) lactam antibiotics (Majiduddin, Materon & Palzkill, 2002). These mechanisms include; drug permeation reduction through the bacterial membrane, making profound changes to target sites of the antibiotics and (b) lactamase production. These three mechanisms of action may occur separately or together in specific bacteria species in order to work against the efficiency of antibiotics. However, the most common mechanism of resistance in bacteria is the use of (b) lactamase enzymes which offers survival chances against high potent (b) lactam antibiotics. Among these (b) lactamase enzymes which offer survival chances against high potent (b) lactamase enzymes is the New Delhi metallo-?-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) (Conly, Pitout, Dalton, B. & Sabuda, 2011). This aim of this paper is therefore to discuss NDM-1 in relation to action of beta-lactamase enzymes, features and structure of NDM-1 and antimicrobial strategies to deal with it.
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