Make A mission statement, vision statement, list the values, identify

Make A mission statement, vision statement, list the values, identify the critical success factors, and list 5 strategic goals for The Jackson Center for Multiple

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Sclerosis. Below are the directions that were given to me just to give you an idea of what I am working on. I ONLY want what I listed above. The Jackson Center for

Multiple Sclerosis is a fake place so everything is made up.

Work through the guidelines provided in Exhibit 5-10, Strategic Thinking Map for Writing a Mission Statement,

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to build a mission statement for your strategic plan

project. Continue the exercise started with the mission statement by building an organizational vision statement to go along with the mission statement developed

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previously. Use Exhibit 5-14, Strategic Thinking Map for Writing a Vision Statement, to assist in the process. Build a set of guiding principles (values) as a

companion to the mission and vision statements already developed. Also, consider the questions from Exhibit 5-19 when developing this portion of your strategic plan.

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Use the following outline to complete this week’s assignment for developing directional strategies for your strategic plan project. THIS WORK SHOULD BE OF YOUR OWN. DO

NOT COPY AND PASTE STATEMENTS FROM OTHER STRATEGIC PLANS. If not adhered, this will result in a grade of zero. Plagiarism software will be used to grade this

assignment. Please note that in your final paper, although you will include the final draft statements, you will have to discuss them in narrative form.

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For this

portion of assignment, you may submit it in outline form; however, as you begin to develop your paper, you will write it similar to this example¦The mission of

Taylor Obesity Center is toWe believe that this mission best communicates why we exist in this community. Ginter, Duncan, and Swayne (2013) state that mission

statements are necessary¦ Mission statements also¦We pride our organization in. We believe that this is important in fulfilling our mission. Again, the more

you do early on the better.


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1) Mission Statement
a) Draft a mission statement
b) Evaluate the mission statement (After reviewing your work). What do the authors tell you about a mission statement?
c) Develop a new mission statement if the current statement is not congruent with intended goals and practices of the organization. If you think a new statement is not

warranted, then provide evidence as to why the current one is suitable.

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2) Vision Statement
a) Draft a vision statement
b) Evaluate the vision statement (After reviewing your work). What do the authors tell you about vision statements?
c) Develop a new vision statement if the current statement is not congruent with intended goals and practices of the organization. If you think a new statement is not

warranted, then provide evidence as to why the current one is suitable.

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3) Values Statement
a) Draft a values statement
b) Evaluate the value(s) statement (After reviewing your work). What do the authors tell you about value statements?
c) Develop a new values statement if the current statement is not congruent with the intended goals and practices of the organization. If you think a new statement is

not warranted, then provide evidence as to why the current one is suitable.

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4) Identify and list the critical success factors for your chosen institution.

5) List FIVE Strategic Goals (that are related to critical success factors for accomplishing the mission and vision)
Goal One:
Goal Two:
Goal Three:
Goal Four:
Goal Five:

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