Lung Cancer
Paper details
Prepare a status report on the local (Malta) burden of non-communicable disease œLung Cancer. Such a status report should include not only measures of disease frequency available but also risk factors for the condition in question and also complication rates and the mortality burden, if relevant, with a focus on differences by gender, age and social class.
In not more than 1000 words PREPARE A PLAN for such a status report, identifying at least five sources of data you could possibly use, which may include existing publications, international databases, registers and survey datasets. Appraise each source, identifying which of the elements above can be examined using the said data source, and justify your choice for these sources over others. In the last paragraph I want a brief comparison between two of the chosen sources according to the prevalence and incidence.
**In other words, DESCRIBE how I would prepare for such a status report and NOT the status report itself. Please note that Iam expected to show some familiarity with existing data sources as listed in the assignment description.
You have been exposed to the epidemiological registers and the data sources “ particularly those currently housed at DHIR ( You have also been informed about international data sources such as the Health for All database ( and the Eurostat Statistics Database ( amongst others, together with academic publications.
You have not been asked for any statistics on the disease of choice. Therefore, NO requests for data or information from DHIR will be considered for the purpose of this assignment. (REALLY IMPORTANT)
You are kindly requested to consult the above online resources and others to understand better what the different registers and data sources offer, so that you may have a go at which data sources you would use for the compilation of the report. Any stats reported in your report should be purely for illustrative purposes, and has to be taken directly from the online source.
Once again, your deliverable is not the status report itself, but the plan of which data sources to be used for such a status report.