Los Angeles River Restoration

Los Angeles River Restoration

Essays should be 3-4 pages (.doc, 12 pt. Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins).
The page limit does not include references (just be consistent in your citation format).
You will be expected to use and cite readings from the course to support your arguments.
The planned restoration of the LA River, the conversion of a garbage dump into
Freshkills Park and the transformation of the Cheonggyecheon in Seoul serve as potent
examples of how citizens, governments and other organizations are re-imagining the
place of nature in the city and how sustainability initiatives can benefit the environment
and the community.
—Provide a brief description of the issue and project.
Drawing on the readings, films, discussions and lectures from class, address the
following questions: (1) How does this contribute to new ways of thinking about urban
environments?; (2) How do these case studies link environmental and social well-being
(think civic environmentalism and environmental justice issues)?; and, (3) How do these
case studies serve as examples of how cities can act as places to experiment with
solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges, including the design of
ecosystem services?
—-be sure to thoroughly develop and explain your answers to these questions and
synthesize the issues and concepts from class to answer these questions in relationship to
the case study you have chosen (in other words, it should NOT just be a description or recap
of the case; instead, I want to see what YOU think and how you are synthesizing the
issues we have talked about throughout the quarter).
—–I’ve provided some initial source material, but you should feel free
to find additional sources.
• http://folar.org/
• http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-lariver-development-20140524-