Local police response to terrorism (emphasis on the state of VA)

Students will write a research paper based on one of the topics below. The paper should include an overview of the subject and major relevant points relative to economic, social and/or legal implications or impacts. Moreover, the paper should incorporate the role of the Saint Leo University core value of Community as it relates to local response to terrorism (e.g., mutual aid agreements, regionalization approaches, multi-jurisdictional training or exercises, cross-discipline training or exercises, interoperable communications, etc). The paper has a required minimum length of 2500 words and must conform to APA style and formatting. This includes a running head, page numbers, cover page, abstract, introduction, body, summary of findings, conclusion, in-text citations, and reference page. Non-APA formatted papers will receive an automatic 25 point reduction. 


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A minimum of five references are required, with no more than two from Internet sources. Additional grading criteria will include clarity of presentation, quality of content, mastery of content, care and attention to detail, organization, originality of presentation, and the value and interest of the presentation, as well as proper grammar and punctuation. A grading rubric is available in the course Doc Sharing section. 
The assignment must be your original work. You are required to use no more than 15% of others quoted work when completing any assignments within this course of study. Your research paper must therefore be 85% original. No previously submitted papers, articles, reports or project, in whole or in part, to any university or college will be accepted. 


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Written Assignments and the APA Format: The Department of Criminal Justice recognizes the value of excellence in writing for students in Criminal Justice. In part, each professor is expected to provide guidance on improving a student’s writing skills. Students are required to use only the APA (American Psychological Association) format to write and develop a scholarly paper for submission in the Social Sciences. APA has been adopted by the Department as its writing standard for all academic written assignments. No other writing style is acceptable. 
APA is the American Psychological Association, and the style is one of many in the academic world used to regulate the language, citations, procedure and formatting of manuscripts and other examples of writing in the social sciences. Please be consistent throughout each written paper. Refer to APA Guide under Resources on the Course Menu for APA specifics. An on-line reference for APA can be accessed at the following website: 
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ For each scholarly paper and group assignment(s), the work will be assessed using an individual grading rubric for each assignment. This tool and process helps the students identify and Professor measure the key points necessary to successfully complete written or group assignments. Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for any scholarly writing and should not be used for any assignments in this course.



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