literature review Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

The research workbook has two strands: one with a qualitative focus and one with a quantitative focus.

The qualitative strand is based around the following research question:
a) “To identify and analyse the key management challenges facing voluntary sports clubs.”
The quantitative strand is based around the following research question:
b) “To critically analyse the factors that influence sport and physical activity participation by BME women and girls.”
Your workbook should contain the following headings to clearly distinguish each element:

1a: Mini Literature Review (Qualitative)
1b: Mini Literature Review (Quantitative)

2a: Data Collection Tool: Interview (Qualitative)
2b: Data Collection Tool: Questionnaire (Quantitative)

3a: Data Analysis: Interview Transcripts Analysis (Qualitative)
3b: Data Analysis: Questionnaire Data Analysis (Quantitative)

Thus there should be six workbook headings in your submission.

NOTE: You are required to complete both strands (i.e. you cannot chose to do just one strand).
Task 1: Mini literature review (c. 300 words per strand)

You will be provided with a starter reading and a choice of a further reading which will give the study a specific focus. Through independent study you should then identify two further readings (for each strand) that are connected to the two initial ones. These can be academic book chapters and /or journal articles.

For each strand your task is to:
i. Analyse the readings and identify, define and discuss the key concepts that would underpin a study to answer the research question.
ii. Summarise the main lines of enquiry arising from your review of the literature.
iii. Provide a series of headings that show how you would structure a full review of literature
iv. Provide an indicative reading list of 10 additional journal articles / book chapters (in Harvard style) which might reasonable form the basis of a more substantive review of the relevant literature.

1a) For the qualitative strand of your research workbook, please read the following book chapter:
• Nicholls, G (2013) Voluntary Sports Clubs and Sport Development. In Hylton K (ed) (2013) Sport Development: Policy, Process and Practice. [3rd ed] London: Routledge. pp.213-229 (available as an e-book).

Then choose one of the following themes to specialise in, and read the accompanying chapter which is also in the Hylton’s ‘Sport Development’ book:
a) Sport Policy: chapter by Wolsey and Abrams
b) Partnerships: chapter by Robson and Partington
c) Resources: chapter by Taylor

Then find two further readings that are connected to the issues discussed in the first two sources two. Review all four sources and provide a coherent review of this literature. At the end of the review you should provide a series of headings that show how you might structure a full review of literature and an indicative reading list.
1b) For the quantitative strand of your research workbook, please read:
Higgins, V. and Dale, A. (2013) Ethnic differences in sports participation in England European Journal for Sport and Society. 10 (3): 215-239.

Then choose one the theme of Community Sport Development or Sociology to specialise in:
a) Community Sport Development: Maxwell, H., Foley, C., Taylor, T. and Burton, C. (2013) Social Inclusion in Community Sport: A Case Study of Muslim Women in Australia. Journal of Sport Management. 27 (6) 467 – 481.
b) Sociology: Farooq Samiea, S. (2013) Hetero-sexy self/body work and basketball: The invisible sporting women of British Pakistani Muslim heritage. South Asian Popular Culture (Special Issue: Sport and South Asian Diasporas). 11 (3): 257-270

Then find two further readings that are connected to the issues discussed in the first two sources two. Review all four sources and provide a coherent review of this literature. At the end of the review you should provide a series of headings that show how you might structure a full review of literature and an indicative reading list.

You need to review four (4) texts for the QL strand and four (4) for the QN strand.

The list of references is not included in the word count.
Task 2: Design a data collection tool

Note: a word count is not appropriate for these two tasks.

2a: Interview design (qualitative strand)
Using the lines of enquiry identified at the end of your Ql review of literature, prepare a semi-structured interview schedule which could be used in an interview with a senior person within a medium-sized or large voluntary sports club.
The interview schedule should be sufficient detailed that, if conducted properly, would allow the interview to last 30 minutes.
The interview should have a logical structure (containing an introduction and close to the interview, the key themes to be discussed, and relevant prompts). It should be sufficiently flexible enough to accommodate shifts in direction and unanticipated elements.
2b: Questionnaire design (quantitative strand)
Using the lines of enquiry identified at the end of your qn review of literature, prepare a questionnaire aimed at obtaining the views of black and minority ethnic women and girls (16+) regarding the factors which affect their sport and physical activity participation.
The questionnaire should incorporate a range of different formats (open /closed questions, scale, etc) and augmented with a small number of text-based questions. It should take between 5-10 minutes to complete under normal circumstances.

Task 3: Data analysis (c.400 words per strand approx)

3a: Qualitative data analysis
You will be provided with the transcripts of four interviews conducted along the lines of the one you were asked to design. Using the concepts and themes identified in your mini literature review you should analyse the interview data. This is an interpretative exercise in which you should attempt to reach conclusions regarding the most important management challenges facing voluntary sports clubs, with particular reference to the specific lens (policy, partnerships or resources) that you adopted in your mini literature review. This analysis should present one or two of the most compelling aspects of the data (in the form of short quotes) and provide a (referenced) narrative commentary to explain what has been found.
3b: Quantitative data analysis
You will be provided with a ‘Final report’ on Sport and Leisure for BME women
You are to offer a 400 word critique of the report. You will need to summarise the report and offer a commentary on their chosen methodological approach, the methods used to collect the data, and the presentation of the data. You should identify areas of strength and any aspect of the study you feel could be improved upon. You should also comment on their findings in reference to what you found in your review of literature. Based on this report, did they ‘answer’ the aims and objectives they set themselves?

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