lifespan human development

Week 6 Assignment
PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to have you further practice applying the theoretical frameworks. Specifically, you will choose one of the theoretical frameworks and a corresponding outside source of information to explain why we see sex differences.
1. Review Week 2 lesson plan and read Week 6 lesson plan. You will want to review the material on the theoretical frameworks in Week 2 lesson plan. You will also want to read Week 6 lesson plan including the material on gender schemas and reliable sex differences.
2. Choose one theoretical framework that you will use to explain possible sources of sex differences. Choose only one framework to use—each of the frameworks have merit thus there is no one “right” or “correct” framework to choose. Think about how someone adopting this framework would explain sex differences. Your task is to go beyond the general descriptions of the frameworks to be more specific in explaining sex differences. For example, if you were to choose the Environment Learning Framework you might decide to focus exclusively on how parents socialize children to bring about sex differences. Someone else using the same framework might choose to focus on how television and movies contribute to sex differences.
3. Locate an outside source of information that is in line with (supports) the theoretical framework you chose. Your outside source of information can be a scholarly journal article, a professional website, a documentary film, etc. Be creative. Here are examples of the types of outside sources that I had in mind:
? This website is for the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. It would be an excellent source of information if you were using the Environment-Learning framework and focusing on the role of media. On this site under the Research tab there are several great research papers that detail the influence of the media. For example, there is a paper titled Gender Stereotypes: An Analysis of Popular Films and TV by Stacy Smith and Crystal Cook that would be fantastic for this assignment.
? This website if for Media Education Foundation. They produce, among other things, documentary films that address sex and gender issues. One in particular that would be great if you are using the Cultural Context framework might be Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes by Byron Hurt. This film covers the hip hop culture and its influence on our ideas about manhood, sexism, and homophobia. Another great film is Jackson Katz’s Tough Guise 2: Violence, Manhood and American Culture. In this film, Katz argues that the ongoing
epidemic of men’s violence in America is rooted in our inability as a society to move beyond outmoded ideals of manhood.
? This 2010 TEDTalk by Sheryl Sandberg (author of Lean in) explores why we have too few women leaders. There is additional information at and at These sites would be great if you were using the Environment Learning, Constructivist or Cultural Context frameworks.
? This article titled Hormones and Aggression in Childhood and Adolescence would be a great source of information if you were using the Biological Maturation framework. The author Martin Ramirez discusses the association between hormones and aggression/violence with a special focus on puberty.
4. Write a 2-page typed paper (single spaced) where you discuss possible sources of sex differences using the theoretical framework you chose. Support your argument with information from the outside source you chose. This paper should be focused and demonstrate your critical thinking skills. I do not want a 2-page paper where you simply re-state the theoretical framework. Yes, you need to describe/define the framework, but I want you to go further, analyze information, and write persuasively. Be creative!
DUE DATE: This assignment is due no later than Sunday July 6, 2014, 11:59 PM (PST).
SUBMISSION PROCESS: To submit your assignment, please place it in the digital drop box on BeachBoard in the folder marked Week 6 Assignment: Explaining Sex Differences.
GRADING CRITERIA: This assignment is worth 30 points. Ability to use both the theoretical framework and outside information to explain sex differences will determine points earned.
FEEDBACK: Students will receive feedback from the instructor via email within one week of the submission deadline.