Leadership Under Stress

The purpose of this literature review in the field of leadership is to give you an opportunity to broaden your knowledge by reviewing the literature on how stress affects decision making and what can be done to effectively manage and make correct decisions under stress.

Write a review of 12-15 scholarly resources specific to managing under stress; how stress can affect effective decision making; how best to deal with stress when making decisions; and what to do about stress. It is recommended that you choose recently published books and current professional journal articles for the literature review. The second purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for the much broader literature review you will have to write for your dissertation. It is never too early to begin planning for this culminating benchmark.
At a minimum:

State the main point or purpose of the selected resource
Explain how the information contributes and strengthens the field of organizational leadership.
Create an overall summary at the end of the literature review indicating what you learned about the topic(s).
Provide a reference list using the current APA and FSE format of all resources used in the assignment.

You should write in the third person and link the sources in a continuous flow of ideas.

Expected length of the assignment is 8-10 pages not counting the cover page (FSE format) and the reference page. Remember to apply the current APA edition form and style throughout the assignment. 

Please make sure this is a lit review and not an annotated bibliography.  Gary Klein is a great resource as is Thompson (the stress effect).