Layoffs Academic Essay – Write My School Essay

One of the most challenging aspects of an HR professional’s job occurs when an employer decides to layoff staff for economic or other business reasons. In this discussion board we will examine the significance of the manner in which layoffs are conducted. Using any reputable and reliable source, find an in-depth article about a U.S. company that conducted a layoff.
First, summarize the reasons for the layoff. (Since we are focusing on the manner in which the layoff was conducted rather than the business reasoning behind the layoff, this part of your post should be no more than three sentences.)
Then, summarize the manner in which the layoff was conducted, including details such as how many employees were laid off, how the company selected individuals for lay off, the timing of the layoff, the amount of notice employees were given, how the employees received the news, what post-termination services were offered, etc.
Finally, evaluate the layoff by discussing the ways in which the employer conducted the layoff well (and why), and in what ways could it have conducted the layoff better (and why).
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