Law of Tort Essay Dissertation Help – Write My School Essay

Please use Law of Tort Textbook by John Cooke (12th Edition) – Pearson

Problem Question

Lilliput Primary School was selected as one of the best schools in Swiftville area. Parents, local councillors, the local press and Swiftville Television were invited to a presentation at the school. The Odourfree Gas Company was working on damaged pipes just outside the School gates. Whilst the presentation was underway, there was an enormous explosion due to the negligence of one of the Odourfree employees. Several children and adults were killed and injured instantly.

Zoe, a police officer, carried three people to safety and then helped the injured by tending their wounds and giving them water before the emergency services arrived. She has suffered from a long-term depression as a result of what she witnessed.

John, a baker from across the road rushed over to help. He crawled into the wreckage to pull people out from inside and managed to rescue seven people before he collapsed with exhaustion. He suffered post-traumatic stress disorder for three years following the event and relapsed into a particularly severe form of organic depression, which he had suffered from following a car accident in his childhood.

Francis, the father of one of the children at the school, was at work and witnessed the explosion on television as it happened. He suffered anxiety as a result of what he saw. Two hours later, he was later told that his daughter had been killed in the tragedy. He then suffered deep shock, which has since caused him to lose his job.

Jenny, a new schoolteacher at the school, was appalled by what she witnessed. She was so shocked that she was unable to help at all and was frozen to the spot. She later suffered a deep traumatic response and is undertaking therapy. She has been unable to work since the accident occurred, as walking into a school causes her to re-live her experience.

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