Kuwait and Qatar development before and after oil

Kuwait and Qatar development before and after oil

Question : write a reaction paper on:
– The presentation was focused on the comparative development of Qatar and Kuwait and argued that the two countries have had different trajectories that explain their different development paths and outcomes.

– The presenter asserted that the early rise of the merchant class in Kuwait as well as its strategic location and early education system might explain its relative success and achievements in the Gulf region.

The presentation provided many examples and details to support their argument, but what areas or aspects about this hypothesis do you agree or disagree with? What further questions or concerns do you want to ask?

– ( And how do you respond to the question about why did Qatar not get affected by Bahrain’s early economic success the way Kuwait did from other surrounding countries? )
"Answer this question in the last paragraph"
* Write a reaction paper on presentation that

– I think the in the presentation was more focused on Kuwait than mentioning Qatar’s in term of development.

– we can observe there are factors in Kuwait contributed to more than Qatar, as well as precedence in obtaining independence and also unity in the relationship between the tribes and the merchants and the royal family have also played a role.

– As it mentioned in the presentation it was focused in the period 1900 till the late 50s in Qatar and Kuwait. and it wanted to investigate the early development in these two countries and show how they are different. he didn’t talk much about oil because his point was the early development before oil.

– The discovery of oil had a huge impact on the development, but our presentation also showed how Kuwait was developed before oil because of its location and connection with its neighboring countries. The main point is that location played an earlier rule in development before oil.

– (Try to mention all these ideas in the paper "every thing")
– Discuss all the ideas briefly.