Ken Wilber’s article attached above Integral Art

Objective #1: Read pp. 16-22 of Practices in Looking provided in course documents.

Objective#2: Read Part II of Ken Wilber’s article attached above Integral Art (pp 18-50)

Objective #3: Read the above pdf article œReality and the Photograph

Objective #4:Visit the Chris Jordan œRunning the Numbers online gallery. Chris has many galleries select the pull down menu titled ARTWORKS and choose the RUNNING THE NUMBERS gallery. Then follow the research assignment below. The artist’s website is

Field Research and gathering insight:

1. Print out of the pdf on the 4 Quadrant Model attached above.

2. View the entire œRunning the Numbers online gallery. Then choose one of Jordan’s patterned pieces.

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3. Begin building a context for the selected work . Using the 4 Quadrant model, begin with questions in the œI or Intentional Quadrant. This is the quadrant of your personal experiences, thoughts opinions and the opinions and thoughts of your friends. Use the VTS method (this includes asking what others see). Ask two to three people to view the online gallery to increase your interpretation.

4. Continue to use the questions in each quadrant to explore the different contexts Chris Jordan’s work can be interpreted. Answer each of the questions provided in each quadrant. Ask your VTS participants to do the same.

On the discussion board:

5. On the discussion board, create a minimum 1-2 page summary of the contexts through which the chosen piece is seen.
Please give me the title of the work you are interpreting so that we may refer to it.
Please describe it using the elements of art and interpret it with the gathered VTS findings (3 people should view the work) and the 4 quadrant data.
Please compare how this chosen image reflects or relates to broader social and cultural issues that you have read in our texts, current news articles or on the web. Cite your sources. I am looking for concrete examples of social problems or cultural dynamics that currently reflect and relate to Jordan’s work. This requires you to bring credible writings and articles in from a variety of sources.
Include a bibliography of all your sources. Citations should include page numbers to the appropriate article, book or internet resource.
DO NOT use Wikipedia as a reference or resource

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