Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (pp. 265-320)
Discipline: – World Literature
Type of service: Book Review
Spacing: Double spacing
Paper format: MLA
Number of pages: 1 page
Number of sources: 0 source
Paper details:
The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vols. D, E, F:3rd edition.
Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (pp. 265-320)
In this week’s post, pick ONE term or concept from the “Reading Fiction” PowerPoint that will become the foundation of your post. In the first sentence of your post, you need to identify the specific term you are using.
You need to provide textual examples (quotes) that connect directly to the term and then analyze them in relation to the term. Textual examples are required each week, as noted in the discussion forum rubric. Additionally, work on your responses by following the directions in the rubric as well as using supporting evidence for the ideas you add here as well. Evidence always consists of direct quotations from the assigned texts. You need to explicitly explain how the quotes you are discussing are an example of the term you have chosen to focus on (do not just say it is a metaphor: you need to identify the language that contains the metaphor as well as explain what that metaphor is and what it means).
For example, you may be interested in the term “symbol.” If this is the term you chose for this week, you would need to explicitly identify a symbol in the text (using quotations), explain what it is a symbol of, and then analyze it in relation to its literary meaning as well as what the symbol’s importance in the story as a whole.