Is objectivity the best way to know the truth about (material/physical) reality?

Is objectivity the best way to know the truth about (material/physical) reality?
Write a one page essay in which you argue FOR or AGAINST the claim that objectivity is the best way to know the truth about reality.

Select one position for objectivity and one position against objectivity for this debate, e.g. Science vs. Perspectivism.
State your thesis clearly, for example, “I argue objectivity, not subjectivity, is the best way to know the truth about reality.
Briefly define “objectivity” and the oppositional position you select.
Use an example. For example, you could choose to use women/gender to illustrate & argue for your position. State the example in the form of a truth claim about women/gender, e.g. “women are essentially different than men.”
Compare and contrast the two ways of getting at the truth about your example.
Make an argument for your position based on the same example.
Consider and refute your opposition’s best reply to your argument based on the same example.
Make use of the arguments in the assigned texts.

Why “woman”?

As stated in the college mission, SMC is committed to the value of Global Citizenship. Each year a theme is selected to focus our reflections on global citizenship. This year the theme selected is:

Gender Equity: Is Equity Enough?

The theme was described as:

“A person’s gender greatly impacts one’s opportunities and constraints in all aspects of life. Globally whether we are discussing inadequate access to education, a lack of access to health care, the achievement gap between boys and girls, forced early marriages in some countries, or unequal employment opportunities, gender inequities remain shockingly persistent. One of United Nations 2015 Millennial Development Goals is the promotion of gender equity and the empowerment of women.”