is any good in biology?

2pts) Apostfertilization barrier to reproduction has what result? *

mutations in genes that control development

offspring that fail to develop

mechanical isolation of a species

gamete incompatibility


(1 pt) What do a butterfly, a tree, and my uncle Fred have in common? *

they are all members of the same kingdom

they are all prokaryotic

they are all composed of cells with cell walls

their cells have membrane bound organelles

none of these


(1 pt) Populations that change due to genetic drift *

haven’t really undergone evolutionary change.

will then be subject to strong sexual selection.

have evolved.

will soon change back to the original form as a result of natural selection.

none of the above


(1 pt) The combination of all traits that allow organisms to survive with the potential to produce viable offspring is called: *


natural selection


biological diversity

a mistake


(2 pts) Natural selection: *

is a process by which nature, through biological and environmental factors, selects the combination of traits best suited to the environment

is a random process

is the term for selecting the most desirable traits in plants and animals and preserving these traits through selective breeding

a& b only

a, b, and c


(2 pts) How does polyploidy cause reproductive isolation? *

it changes the timing of reproduction.

it changes instructions for how to make reproductive anatomy.

it alters the number of chromosomes in sex cells.

it changes the prey preference of the organism.


(2 pts) The Hardy-Weinberg Equation is an important part of the study of inheritance and ultimately, evolution. If their assumptions don’t apply for a specific trait in a population, then what could be a possible consequence? *

change of allele frequencies

geneticists will have to redo all of the Mendelian studies


spontaneous generation

none of these


(1 pt) Evolution that occurs as a result of a dramatic reduction in population size is called *

founder effect.

genetic drift.

gene flow.

population bottleneck.

none of the above


(2 pts) Biological _________ are groups of individuals of the same _________ that are subdivided from other _________. *

species, population, species

populations, species, populations

populations, organism, organisms

races, populations, races

none of the above

(2 pts) Which of the following is NOT a part of the theory of natural selection? *

individuals in a population vary.

some variation can be passed on to offspring.

populations produce more offspring than the environment can support.

all species are descended from a common ancestor.

none of the above

(2 pts) Your friend was diagnosed with strep throat 2 months ago. She was treated with antibiotics for 10 days, but 2 weeks after treatment, the symptoms returned. She was given a different antibiotic and her symptoms improved again, initially, but then got worse. What is happening? *

your friend has taken antibiotics so long that she has become tolerant to them, making them ineffective.

exposure to antibiotics has caused each individual bacterial cell to evolve resistance to the antibiotics.

your friend was originally infected with some bacteria that were resistant to these two antibiotics and the bacteria multiplied.

your friend probably doesn’t have a bacterial infection. There must be some other reason for her symptoms.

none of the above

(2 pts) After a rapid change in climate, one population of bird quickly adapts to the change, but others in the area do not. What could you conclude about the quickly adapting population? *

they had a greater need to evolve than the other population.

they already had some alleles in their genome that were adaptive in the new environment.

they reproduced more slowly than the non-adapting population.

they had a higher rate of mutation than the other population.

(1 pt) When a population of organisms is evolving, what can you be sure is happening? *

it’s improving.

it’s stable (no change).

it’s getting bigger.

it’s changing.

all of the above.

(2 pts) What would happen if a mutation created a new allele that decreased fitness? *

the new allele would spread through the population and decrease the fitness of that population.

the new allele would decrease the fitness of the individual that possessed it, and that individual would have few or no offspring.

the new allele would have to change back to an allele of higher fitness so the possessor of that allele could maintain its fitness.

the individual with the new allele would wait for an environmental change so that its fitness would increase again.

none of the above

(1 pt) Assortativematings have what effect on populations? *

they cause one sex to be much different than the other.

they cause isolated groups to be more similar to each other.

they increase the rate of mutations.

they maintain appearance differences between groups.

none of the above

(1 pt) Many lines of evidence suggest that human populations aren’t distinct races. What keeps us so similar even though adaptations to local conditions have occurred? *

members of different populations mate with each other.

natural selection has acted in the same way for all groups of humans.

populations mate assortatively.

sexual selection has acted in the same way for all groups.

none of the above.