Intervention/prevention grant application

The focus of this assignment is to present a project that you will develop based on the current literature, theoretical perspectives, and evaluation techniques.

Grant Application Report

After you have determined an idea for your project, complete the following:

Cover Page: The cover page should include the following:
Project Summary (1 page)
Explain the proposed project at a high level. This section is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the project when separated from the actual grant application. State the project’s broad, long-term objectives and specific aims, making reference to the health relatedness of the project (i.e., relevance to the mission of the agency).

In addition, explain the research design and methods for achieving those stated objectives. This section should be informative to others working in the same or related fields and, insofar as possible, comprehensible to a scientifically or technically literate reader. Avoid describing past accomplishments.

Specific Objectives of Your Project (1 page)
Explain the objectives of the proposed project and summarize the expected outcome(s). Include the impact that the results of the proposed project will exert on the research field(s) involved.

List the specific objectives of the research proposed, e.g., test a stated hypothesis, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm or clinical practice, address the critical barrier to progress in the field, or develop new technology.

Research Strategy of Your Project (8’10 pages)
Organize this section in the order specified below. Start each section with the appropriate section heading’Significance, Innovation, and Approach.

Properly cite all the research upon which you have relied in this section and provide the full references in the References Page section. (Utilize between 8 and 12 resources.)

Explain the importance of the problem or the critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses.
Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice in one or more broad fields.
Describe how the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed goals are achieved.
Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift the current research or clinical practice paradigms.
Describe any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or intervention(s) to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation, or intervention(s).
Explain any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, and instrumentation or interventions.
Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analysis to be used to accomplish the specific objectives of the project. Include how data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted as well as any resource-sharing plans, as appropriate.
Discuss potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success anticipated to achieve the objectives.
If the project is in the early stages of development, describe any strategy to establish feasibility and address the management of any high-risk aspects of the proposed work.
If an applicant has multiple objectives, then the applicant may address significance, innovation, and approach for each objective individually or may address these three for all of the objectives collectively.
Remedial Actions for Noncompliance (2 pages)
Include any remedial actions for participants who fail to participate in the program. Since this program is in a forensic setting, additional legal consequences may be warranted for participants who refuse to participate. This could apply to presentencing and postsentencing circumstances. You may also seek to site the law in your jurisdiction.