International Marketing Strategy for Walt Disney
Paper instructions:
As a marketing consultant for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, you have been asked to complete a strategic marketing audit to analyse both internal and external factors that are impacting on
the organisations international growth.
You have been given a particular remit to consider the changing nature of the global theme park industry to consider the future international development for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.
Based on your critical analysis of the global theme park industry, assess the strategic options available to Walt Disney Parks & Resorts to allow it to maintain its global competitive position.
Recommend with justification, one strategic option you feel Walt Disney Park & Resorts should adopt.
International Marketing Strategy Report
This should include:
summary situation analysis
identify a minimum of 3 potential strategic options for Walt Disney Park & Resorts’ international strategic growth
recommend with justification 1 of these strategic options for Walt Disney Park & Resorts
justification to include supporting rationale for market selection
outline recommended marketing mix to support the recommended strategy
Please note additional supporting research data to be included in appendices, including marketing audit. Please ensure you reference the material in the appendices within the main body of
the plan to ensure you receive relevant marks e.g. summary situation analysis to summarise key findings from detailed marketing audit in the appendices.
only use case study to get iformation of disney
Supporting Case Study Material
Source: CIM Global Theme Park Industry Case Study December 2012